Sunday, January 17, 2010

I actually had two days off this weekend and was planning on making them fun. I was going to play some pickup hockey on friday, then go to a sports bar saturday night to watch the football game. You know, get out of the house, do stuff, be social, stuff like that. However the pickup hockey game was at 11:30am friday and I got home from work at 6am that day and managed to sleep through it. Then yesterday I decided that going to a sports bar alone wasn't fun enough to warrant spending money on it. Instead I spent too many hours playing video games, watching Dexter, sitting on the toilet reading, generally just staying at home and letting my arteries clog up. I did manage to see a friend for a little bit on saturday afternoon though! Unfortunately we didn't do much and I spent more time playing with his dog then anything else. It's a little sad to see me lose my passion for life. It's even sadder when you're hanging out with your best friend of 15 years and you can't think of anything to say to him since you've lost the ability to communicate properly because you've become a hermit and lost most emotions. I'm so neutral I might as well be taking prozac.


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