Monday, January 18, 2010

I love my toilet. After growing up in a family of 5 (and a couple of years with 7 when my granparents lived with us) and having only one bathroom to share amongst us, then living with roommates when I moved out and never really feeling comfortable in the bathroom, the past year and a half living by myself has been great bathroom wise. I've grown incredibly close with my toilet. Sure it's a piece of junk that doesn't flush properly, has an occassional leak and the room looks terrible and has a flower border to it, but I can't tell you how much I enjoy it. I can go the bathroom up to 5 times a day and not worry about what others think of me. I can sit on the can and read for 30 minutes without being interrupted. I get my best reading done on the can. Hell, right now I get my only reading done on the can. There's something about that room where it's so much easier to read in there then anywhere else. I'll be like I'm just going to read a page or two, then 20 pages later I'm still reading. I've been done taking a shit for 25 minutes but I'm still sitting there reading this damn book. I watched a bit by Louis CK a week or so ago and he had something good to say on the subject. He was saying how when he was younger and his wife and kids were out of town he would spend the time just masterbating and whatnot, but now that he's older all he wants to do when he's alone is just take a 2 hour shit. He doesn't have anyone bugging him so he just wants to spend as much time as he can alone in the bathroom and take one big shit. And I gotta say I agree with him. Long live long shits.


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