Saturday, February 6, 2010

The worst thing about my job isn't what you'd expect it to be. It`s not the job itself, which while it isn`t great, it`s not as sucky as others I`ve had. It`s not the people either. Of my recent jobs in the past few years I have to say the group of people I`m working with now I connect least of all to. It`s not even the hours. While midnights isn`t the greatest I still think they`re better then afternoons. The worst thing by far about my job has nothing to do with work at all. It`s listening to the fucking radio. Radio is shit. Every single goddamn day I have to listen to the same shitty songs every day on one of three radio stations. One plays rock music, one plays the hits of `80`s, 90`s, whenever` and the last radio station plays the latest pop hits. All of them are shit. Every day I go to work usually in a decent mood, perhaps a little melancholic at times, but never angry and the first 30 minutes of work go by and it`s all good because the radio hasn`t been turned on yet. I get to daydream and live inside my head for a bit. I like my head, I wish I could live in it more, but it seems like I can only live in it at work with no music on. The fucking goat ass shit music comes on and lady gaga or nickelback or terrible 80`s music (fuck the 80`s, that shit isn`t awesome) ruins the next 7 and a half hours and literally makes me absolutely miserable that I have to hear it. Some days I`m lucky and I don`t realize it`s on and I tune it out, but some days people sing along to the music and actually love it! I don`t understand it! How can they love it!!! It`s greatly depressing. It`s a very good day if by some miracle a song is played that I haven`t heard in a while that I enjoy.

I suddenly realize why I liked my previous two jobs so much now. Heck even my part-time job growing up can be included here. I loved them because I was allowed to bring and play my own music. When I worked on a farm part-time there was a stereo with a tape deck so I made probably 10 tapes and listened to what I wanted to listen to. Then another job I was able to bring in my own big ass stereo (after the plant manager went home 2 hours into my shift) and I would listen to CD`s. Then my last job I was allowed to bring in my mp3 player and listen to that while working. It was glorious. I didn`t realize how much music brought joy to my life until I`ve been forced to listen to what everyone else listens to. So fuck you radio for being shitty. It`s not like we don`t have an interesting radio station in my city. We have an indepedent radio station that changes music styles every two hours usually, and while it`s hit and miss, it`s a hell of a lot more interesting to listen to. One day I was listening to it on my way home from my previous job and they were playing indian rap, so naturally next week an hour before going home from work I turned on the radio and put it on this station for everyone to listen to and they fell in love with it like I did! Every thursday at 1-2:30pm we would listen to indian rap and it would be amazing! Those are the types of things I`m missing at my job now. Sure, I`m finally making good money but my enjoyment of life isn`t what it used to be.


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